This is going to be a 'Douche of the Day' award post that I usually do on my Wordpress blog . I was a happy Photobucket user for 11 years. That's a long time to stick with a service so they were obviously a good one. I was completely happy with the services provided on my free account and a couple of times, I made use of the print store in order to make custom gifts for loved ones for various occasions. Then all of a sudden, in 2017, they start sending me nagware. For those unfamiliar, nagware consists of popups/emails/messages etc that 'nag' you to buy their product. It's irritating, true, but not a deal breaker since I had a free account. I just unsubscribed to the nagmails and just put up with it on the site. Then, however, Photobucket decided to do something I consider to be truly despicable. They made it to where you CANNOT download your photo albums (for backup or for account changes). They actually REMOVED the download album links. Why is that p...
Most people that use Windows tend to just use Windows Explorer as their file manager. A vast number of people likely don't even realize that there are other options. Windows Explorer is painfully limited in features, especially lacking the tabs that 95% of file managers utilize. In my line of work, I have to compare, browse, edit, move, delete and rename vast numbers of files. Windows Explorer just can't handle the task. I ended up using FreeCommander file manager, which had all the features I was looking for with extensive customization options for the user interface and a built in viewer that could be used inside the window I was working on. That was actually the most difficult feature to find as I discovered later. After a while though, I became very frustrated with FreeCommander's 32 bit free version. It became slow and often froze. So I decided to comparison shop, so to speak. My requirements were few but necessary: I had to be able to c...