It's been an unsettling week as once again, some post high school dropout with a chip on his soldier and a too-easily acquired gun decides to end lives. This time, some loser douche decided to invade a church and kill several people who weren't pale enough for him. This has led, most unfortunately to a whole lot of sheeple deciding to blame everything in the world, except for this young guy. What some people just can't seem to wrap around their heads is that sometimes people are just born wrong. This guy probably has instances as far back as early childhood of things that should have alerted someone to the fact that he's cracked in the head. But the sheeple persist. So, now we have this movement going on called #takedowntheflag, where civil authorities are being besieged by people in droves demanding that Confederate flags from the Civil War be taken down from government buildings. Apparently, that was what set the guy off. A flag. No, that's just what he chose to wave around as a symbol that apparently he was somehow judge, jury and execution for people who can get a tan. A flag did not, in any way, contribute to this guy's disgusting action in Charleston. His hate was what fueled his actions. Where did the hate come from? The inside of his own head. That's where everyone's hate come from. No flag did this to him. He was fucked up in the head and this is how he manifested his crazy. He also waved around flags from at least 2 other countries. Apparently, flags were a thing for him. So, how about those Confederate flags? Here's my take on that.
The Confederate flag is a symbol for the Civil War, and the flag of a long defunct 'country'. The only flags that should be flying at any government building are the United States flag and the state flag (as well as the flag for visiting dignitaries. The Confederate States are gone; therefore, the flag should not be flown. They should be displayed as preferred by private citizens if they wish to fly one at their residence or business. Officially, they should be removed and displayed at any history museum. Do I agree that the Confederate flag is only a symbol that racist rednecks throw around because they like to hate on black people? No, absolutely not..there are a lot of history buffs out there and folks that wish the South had won for other reasons. I do agree that the Confederate flag should not be displayed at any government building. The reason I have outlined and it is based purely on logic and standard protocols rather than outrage over what some whacked out reject did while waving the damn thing around. It's long past time for the Confederate flag to be retired to museums, businesses (if they wished) and private citizens.
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