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Showing posts from February 20, 2011

Haiku to implement the old BeOS

I am looking forward to a release candidate of Haiku. It is not based on Linux but rather implements BeOS for a supposedly better end-user experience. Amplify’d from About General FAQ Haiku Slideshow Haiku Gallery Haiku Movies Project History Haiku, Inc. Trademark Policy Community Development Documents Search this site: Home What is Haiku? Haiku is an open source operating system currently in development that specifically targets personal computing. Inspired by the Be Operating System, Haiku aims to become a fast, efficient, simple to use, easy to learn and yet very powerful system for computer users of all levels. What's so good about Haiku an...

New browser reviews on my site

Here's a couple of new web browser reviews for your sleeping enjoyment! Amplify’d from Your old subdomain now forwards to your new domain name. Let your friends know your site has been published. Read more at   See this Amp at

New browser reviews on my site

Here's a couple of new web browser reviews for your sleeping enjoyment! Amplify’d from Your old subdomain now forwards to your new domain name. Let your friends know your site has been published. Read more at   See this Amp at

New browser reviews on my site

Here's a couple of new web browser reviews for your sleeping enjoyment! Amplify’d from Your old subdomain now forwards to your new domain name. Let your friends know your site has been published. Read more at   See this Amp at

Getting nostalgic with high school reads

Guest post written by Cynthia Hankins I thought that it was about the greatest thing ever when my kids found all of my old paperback books at my parents' house when we went and visited them over the holidays. My mom told them that it was okay for them to take all of those books because she obviously wasn't using them. At first, before I let them have them I looked through them in case there were embarrassing notes or anything like that in them, but they were okay. One of the books that I really loved that was in there was Pride and Prejudice, which made me want to go online to put the movie version of it with Colin Firth in my Netflix queue. While I was online doing that I also came across a CLEARINTERNET online offer that sounded really great, so I decided to sign up for it and change over my internet service for it. I also decided to reread Pride and Prejudice and it just got me into why always love Jane Austen's books so much.

Everything is working..finally

Okay no more triple Tweets and missing is good.  The only thing in life I could really use right now is a vehicle that gets better than 18 miles per gallon. Seriously, a beater with a heater at this point is all I really would need as long as it gets good gas mileage . Of course, I would never get rid of my beloved Blazer. He'd be my backup man lol. Anyway, all is now (finally) consolidated into Firefox, for which I am grateful because it was my first web browser outside of Internet Explorer and I hated for it to be so utterly useless. I can now be rid of the giant albatross hanging from my neck, affectionately known as Flock. It was great for what it did but it didn't come close to integrating all of my social networks and blogs. Often the blog poster was buggy or it would forget login information seemingly at random. Good times , she says sarcastically. Now, using Amplify, I can link to Posterous and, and this combination now takes care of al...

Finally resolved multiposts on Twitter

Okay I got those pesky multiposting issues taken care of that was plaguing Twitter..i.e. the 3 times posted everything lol.  Now I'm still trying to solve the issue of posting to apparently hasn't been posting anything at all from the service I used to use to post to it,  Now I have Amplify and set to post to and still nothing.  No wonder I never had any comments from it :D At this time, not sure if it's a problem with the API or what.  On a side note, I've been thinking about purchasing a new domain for all my 'non-Linux' content See this Amp at