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Showing posts from 2008 I want to make clear right now the reason that in this country little girls everywhere are turning to eating's stupid ads like this..DO YOU SEE THE GIRL IN THE AD???  Come the fuck on, she can't be human or someone did a number on her with PhotoShop because I have never met an adult woman who was that fucking thin!!!  And if you could see me, you would be further amazed because I am a little person...So to all girls out there, that is NOT a realistic version of what a woman's body should look like!!!!!! Blogged with the Flock Browser

'Tis the Season

Every year it gets crazier and crazier out there, trying to buy those <a href="">christmas gifts</a> on the busiest shopping day of the year, "Black Friday," that crazy shopping day the day after Thanksgiving where insanity runs rampant. The craziness generally starts at 4 am (yes, 4) with stores opening their doors early and giving supposedly super great deals. Personally, I don't feel that the deals are all that great and having a bunch of barely awake folks crammed into one place trying to shop at 4 am is just asking for trouble. And then, people think they know what they want but I think really they are just wandering around like the rest of us, just trying to find some inspiration for great <a href="">gift ideas</a>. If on the off chance they do know what they are looking for, it's generally parents who absolutely have...

Musically Inclined

Today I was surfing random music sites, looking for good deals on music with some extra perks and such.  As music is a huge part of my life, one can imagine that a good site for music is a must.  I randomly came across a shopping site that has its own MusicSHOP .   The musicSHOP is a feature on its parent site, and has many cool features, such as contests where registered customers can win autographed items from their favorite artists, such as an autographed guitar or CD. There are also other great prizes, such as a romantic cruise for two or a Tom Tom GPS. The really great feature about musicSHOP is the very cool musicSHOP player, which is a pop-up widget.  The musicSHOP player comes equipped with a full list of songs that can be listened to in their entirety before customers decide to make a purchase.  This widget is the best way to preview songs before buying, especially with an option for sharing the widget with your friends or putting it on desk...

I made it!

I just found out today that I did, after all, impress the guys when I sang with them unexpectedly.  I guess that was the final test or something and I passed with flying colors so now I am in the band, SIFT....sweeeeet! Blogged with the Flock Browser

A new beginning

Well it's over and done.  We have a new president elect, Barack Obama.  What an amazing time to be an American!  It's been crazy, with everything from inspiring speeches to conniving beetches (heh) and all points in between.  But as I watched nearly 150,000 people in Grant park, Chicago, cheering and crying, hugging each other and all struck me that history is well and truly made today.  Everyone thought, myself included, that this race would be so close due to divisions in the thinking of the American public over whether many white peope could live with an African-American president.  Yet, the spirit that has made this country great before came through today when Obama won by quite a large electoral margin.  John McCain had one of the most elegant and classy concession speeches I have ever heard; he had nothing but praise and admiration for Obama.  When there were boos from the audience of his headquarters, he immediately hushed them, lo...

Writer's Block: Secret Ballot

I went to vote today!  I went during a "slow" period of the day but still each "booth" was taken and there was a few people in line.   I can just imagine how busy it got during peak voting times!  Of course, I got my sticker saying I

Ever Changing America

Well, tonight is the eve of one of the greatest election races in the history of the United States.  I certainly hope that Barack Obama will be our next president.  Sorry to all you McCain-ers out there but I feel we just need a change...and what better way to affect the changing we are always bitching about than by making history??  I can't wait to get up in the morning and go vote!!!  I don't care how long I have to stand in line (if I do) and let me say this is the first time I have ever been excited about voting!!!  Just think, tomorrow at this time, history will be made, regardless of who wins this election!  On one hand, the first African-American president...on the other, the oldest elected President (if who died, would have the first female president)....not that I wish McCain a premature demise of course, but hey I can't help it, I don't want another 4 years of Bushism.... What an exciting time to be an American...just when I think I've just about ...

You Should Not Vote If.......

Everyone in this country has the right to vote once they turn 18.  Great!  All for it.  There is no restriction on voting due to what color you are, what gender you are, what religion you have, etc. etc.  But seriously, there should be a restriction on voting placed regarding intelligence.  I mean it, not everyone should have the right to vote.  Yes, that's right..not everyone should have the right to vote.  If a person is stuck on stupid, they should not be allowed to vote. For instance: If a person cannot identify the presidential candidates by photograph..they should not be allowed to vote. If a person cannot identify the vice-presidential candidates by photograph...they should not be allowed to vote. If someone thinks Barrack Obama is a terrorist because of his name, they should not be allowed to vote. If someone thinks Obama shouldn't be president because of his really deep tan, they should not be allowed to vote. If someone says, oh I just vote ...


I am pretty accepting of the fact that I have not ever been, nor will I ever be some fabulous beauty.  I have even accepted over time that I am not even marginally cute.  However, I get extremely mad when I have to take 60 pictures just to get 3 that don't make me want to barf.  Very annoying..and time consuming!!!!  Worst of all, I have discovered that taking a halfway decent picture is only possible if I a. alter the photo significantly or b.  lie on my back...<--why that is, I have no idea.... Dammit, now I am just disgruntled. Blogged with the Flock Browser


I'm looking to replace my rarely used Opera Community blog and since this is one of the integrated services of Flock, I'm trying it out.  Who knows whether I'll like it or not..but I have already seen 2 user pics that were