Many people have heard of a Mesothelioma Lawyer and wondered what that is all about. Mesothelioma is commonly known as "asbestos cancer." Mesothelioma is a very often fatal cancer caused by long term exposure to asbestos. Often, people who work in construction, auto mechanics and demolitions get exposed to asbestos fibers, which then are inhaled or cling to clothes to expose others. However, one industry whose workers are probably the most important, yet most overlooked, is teaching.
Many small-town schools are very old buildings, often from the turn of the 20th century or shortly after. In the town I currently live in, a grade school that was just built is the first new school in the district since 1973. In many of these much older buildings, there is a lot of asbestos. When I was attending my small town school, the asbestos was removed over the course of one summer when I was in Junior High (in the same building as the grade school). That was a very good thing. However, it came too late for one of my teachers.
Most of the teachers at my hometown school had an average of 20 years invested in their careers. Most of them had only taught at this one school. This includes my 6th grade teacher, Mrs. Smith (name changed for family's privacy) Shortly after I had gone on to high school, we found out that Mrs. Smith was diagnosed with mesothelioma. She passed away shortly afterward. She had taught at this school for over 30 years.
So now I encourage all teachers who have taught for many years at a very old school to go get tested to make sure they have not contracted this deadly disease. If caught very early, a patient has a good rate for survival. Of course, treatment is expensive and difficult for the families of those affected. Financial help is available to help those afflicted and their families so they can get the help that they deserve. A Mesothelioma Lawyer can help take advantage of the options available to anyone suffering from Mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is a horrible disease that has been needlessly inflicted upon the public; anyone who suffers from this disease deserves to be compensated for their pain and suffering.
Many small-town schools are very old buildings, often from the turn of the 20th century or shortly after. In the town I currently live in, a grade school that was just built is the first new school in the district since 1973. In many of these much older buildings, there is a lot of asbestos. When I was attending my small town school, the asbestos was removed over the course of one summer when I was in Junior High (in the same building as the grade school). That was a very good thing. However, it came too late for one of my teachers.
Most of the teachers at my hometown school had an average of 20 years invested in their careers. Most of them had only taught at this one school. This includes my 6th grade teacher, Mrs. Smith (name changed for family's privacy) Shortly after I had gone on to high school, we found out that Mrs. Smith was diagnosed with mesothelioma. She passed away shortly afterward. She had taught at this school for over 30 years.
So now I encourage all teachers who have taught for many years at a very old school to go get tested to make sure they have not contracted this deadly disease. If caught very early, a patient has a good rate for survival. Of course, treatment is expensive and difficult for the families of those affected. Financial help is available to help those afflicted and their families so they can get the help that they deserve. A Mesothelioma Lawyer can help take advantage of the options available to anyone suffering from Mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is a horrible disease that has been needlessly inflicted upon the public; anyone who suffers from this disease deserves to be compensated for their pain and suffering.
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