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Showing posts from 2009

Car Insurance Made Easy

Just recently, I was able to get another vehicle (thanks to the help of my brother) after being carless for about a year. I was in a bad car accident; some dumb kid hit me and totaled my car. Of course, the expenses that go with owning a vehicle can be quite high. Along with vehicle registration, title transfer and taxes, one has to deal with having to get car insurance . Oh sure, you don't have to get insurance..but if you actually like driving your vehicle and don't want to pay those pesky impound fees, having car insurance is a necessary evil. Getting car insurance can be a very daunting task. There are so many companies to choose from and agents galore, all just waiting to take your money and issue you a policy. So how do you choose between all the various companies and agents to deal with so you know you are getting the best deal for you? A great way to get a good deal on car insurance is to check out an online site that offers insurance quotes from several compani

That was a test

Sorry about that last tiny post..I was testing the configuration in Gnome-Do for the the way, it works lol..anyway, check out my new Linux forum at and be sure to stop by and leave a post. If you aren't a Linux user, that's okay too, there's a general discussion area where you can say whatever you want..go ahead, check it out!

The Sense of Smells

Have you ever walked by someone and they just smelled so good that you stop them and ask what fragrance they are wearing? I have done that more than once just to compare the answers that I get. It's funny to me that most often in my case, the answer is Snuggle Fabric Softener. Apparently this is one of my favorite smells lol. When I ask someone and they are wearing some kind of perfume or cologne, the answer can vary quite a bit each person I ask. It would seem that a person's natural odor combines with certain fragrances to smell really good (or bad as the case may be). Another of my favorite scents is Sour Apple Jolly Ranchers. I love sour apple practically anything lol. I saw this site about Demeter spray scents that smell like various yummy smells that are around everyday. One of my favorite smells is gingerbread. Just thinking about it is making my mouth water! Now I want to get some Gingerbread cologne at Demeter spray scents and they are a great deal too!

Friday the 13th (2009)

Rating: ★★ Category: Movies Genre: Horror I am a huge fan of horror movies. I have seen so many over my lifetime, some famous, some infamous and some that sucked, some that rocked. Todays movie review is of the 2009 version of Friday the 13th. First of all, Jared Padalecki is in this movie..makes a girl want to watch it already. Let me tell you though, that is just about the only redeeming quality of this movie. It's supposed to be a remake or retake of the original but it wasn't very original. Jason again emerges victorious by virtue of machete and most of the kills are made by a simple throat slashing..(yes, i realize that last sentence shows some deeply embedded issues). The best kill of the whole movie was when random slut #1 gets skewered like a shish-kebob by said machete. Second best kill was just prior when random boytoy #1 gets shot right through the top of the head by an arrow. Nice shot Jason. What would a scary movie be without gratuitous and completely rando

Bargain hunting again

As you, my loyal readers know, I am always on the endless search for a great deal.  Of course, I am notoriously cheap so I am looking for deals particularly on things I need and use quite often.  I am considering changing my internet service, as my current contract is about to expire.  Now that I have a laptop, I am looking into wireless (which I know little to nothing about).  I have found a good site that utilizes searching in the same manner as Google, so that as many results as possible are included.  This is a great advantage over only getting results whose owners have paid for their search results inclusion.  Anyway, back to the searching itself.  I know next to nothing about wireless routers and such but now I have a lot more information to work with.  I even know exactly what wireless card my laptop has, what speed it runs and what equipment it will work with.  Once I was done with that, I turned my attention to the never ending hunt for "the perfect cellphone ."  O

Mesothelioma hits home

Many people have heard of a Mesothelioma Lawyer and wondered what that is all about.  Mesothelioma is commonly known as "asbestos cancer."  Mesothelioma is a very often fatal cancer caused by long term exposure to asbestos.  Often, people who work in construction, auto mechanics and demolitions get exposed to asbestos fibers, which then are inhaled or cling to clothes to expose others.  However, one industry whose workers are probably the most important, yet most overlooked, is teaching. Many small-town schools are very old buildings, often from the turn of the 20th century or shortly after.  In the town I currently live in, a grade school that was just built is the first new school in the district since 1973.  In many of these much older buildings, there is a lot of asbestos.  When I was attending my small town school, the asbestos was removed over the course of one summer when I was in Junior High (in the same building as the grade school).  That was a very good thing.  Ho

a must see for book lovers!!!

This is very cool because it works like NetFlix does for movies.  You can rent books in the same way!!! Blogged with the Flock Browser

My man is an All-Star

I am soooooooooooo happy for Tony Stewart who just won his first ever NASCAR All-Star race!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tony just keeps getting better and better...I can't wait to see what happens when Tony gets into the "zone" (the point during the summer where he seems unbeatable) This is the first All-Star race that an owner/driver has won since Ricky Rudd in 1998!!!! All the haters, now what! Blogged with the Flock Browser

Tony Finishes 3rd at Darlington

Tony keeps getting better and better every time he gets behind the wheel, and the crazy part is that he isn't even into his "winning time" yet, that part of midsummer when Tony can't do anything but take 1st..2nd place in the Cup so far, you can do it this year for sure, Tony!!!

Tony Finishes 3rd at Darlington

Tony keeps getting better and better every time he gets behind the wheel, and the crazy part is that he isn't even into his "winning time" yet, that part of midsummer when Tony can't do anything but take 1st..2nd place in the Cup so far, you can do it this year for sure, Tony!!!

Time is on your side

Today's random meanderings take me through time.  Time that you wear on your arm, that is.  Not only portable time, but at a discount price?  How could this be?  The world famous Rolex watches are being offered through a non-authorized dealer, so they don't have to conform to the same pricing standards as authorized dealers. Of course, this doesn't mean that you wouldn't receive a quality watch. All pre-owned Rolex watches are certified authentic and insurance can also be purchased. The Rolex watches have already reached their depreciated value, so the savings are passed on to the customer. In addition, any parts are replaced that are needed, then tested for highest quality. Each watch comes with appraisal papers. So, if you are looking for a new high-quality watch at discount prices, check out the Best of Time - Where Time Lasts Forever Blogged with the Flock Browser

Time is on your side

Today's random meanderings take me through time.  Time that you wear on your arm, that is.  Not only portable time, but at a discount price?  How could this be?  The world famous Rolex watches are being offered through a non-authorized dealer, so they don't have to conform to the same pricing standards as authorized dealers. Of course, this doesn't mean that you wouldn't receive a quality watch. All pre-owned Rolex watches are certified authentic and insurance can also be purchased. The Rolex watches have already reached their depreciated value, so the savings are passed on to the customer. In addition, any parts are replaced that are needed, then tested for highest quality. Each watch comes with appraisal papers. So, if you are looking for a new high-quality watch at discount prices, check out the Best of Time - Where Time Lasts Forever Blogged with the Flock Browser
Website back up tomorrow!^ My main website will be back up tomorrow after switching to a decent server! will be right back!

Website back up tomorrow!!

My main website, was down (for the umpteenth time) due to yet another crappy server. I just moved servers again (ugh) and this one has proven reliable over and over so as of tomorrow, the site will be back up. Sorry about that!

Website back up tomorrow!!

My main website, was down (for the umpteenth time) due to yet another crappy server. I just moved servers again (ugh) and this one has proven reliable over and over so as of tomorrow, the site will be back up. Sorry about that!

SIFT performs in Champaign!!

That's right, we have now lost our virginity as SIFT performs at the Phoenix in Champaign. It was an awesome experience, with a great crowd and people telling us how great we were and how much they enjoyed us!!! That makes all the times I could barely talk after practice totally worthwhile. Thanks go out to the Phoenix for having us and Tongue-N-Gruve of course, for letting us groove with you, we love you guys!

SIFT performs in Champaign!!

That's right, we have now lost our virginity as SIFT performs at the Phoenix in Champaign. It was an awesome experience, with a great crowd and people telling us how great we were and how much they enjoyed us!!! That makes all the times I could barely talk after practice totally worthwhile. Thanks go out to the Phoenix for having us and Tongue-N-Gruve of course, for letting us groove with you, we love you guys!

New glasses saga continues

I am just playing the waiting game now.  I am holding for a call from Illinois Eye Express; hopefully they will tell me the new frames I wanted are in so I can go get new specs.  I can't wait.  I have really liked the ones I had but I lost the sunglasses clip that goes to them.  For some reason, the price of those jumped up so high I can't afford them now, so I am getting Transition lenses.  I hope I like them as much. Blogged with the Flock Browser

You can go home again

Here lately, I have been very slowly redoing some of the decor in my apartment.  I am currently working on my bedroom.  Just last week, I bought a new comforter bed set that was on sale at Kmart.  It's one of those "bed in a bag" type sets, although it's not called that.  The new comforter is black and gray; best of all, it's reversible for a fresh new look any time.  For quite some time I have been wanting a headboard to go with my bed, so I was looking around to see what options I have, when I found a great site that sells western furniture . This site sells log and various wood furnitures in different styles, such as western and rustic. Their wood furniture is absolutely beautiful and built to last. While looking for a headboard, I found one that I absolutely loved right away. For my bed, I require a queen size headboard and I found this one . It is made of red oak, which is both sturdy and long lasting as well as very pretty. The design of the headboard

The big day is coming!

On Saturday is my first real gig, at the Phoenix club in Champaign Illinois.  I am very nervous about it but I am hoping nothing awful happens like I completely blank out on the words lol  Okay I won't even joke about that!! Blogged with the Flock Browser

Things are really heating up

It has been cold, colder and downright miserably cold here in Illinois these past few months. Just a couple of days ago, it actually snowed a little. In April!! At times like these I wish I was still living in Arizona. One thing I never suffered from when I lived in Arizona was the cold. In fact, most people thought something was very wrong with me when I didn't wear a jacket in December. It was 55 at the time. In Illinois, that's good camping weather. In Arizona, people are complaining about how cold it is. I lived in Phoenix, Arizona and at the time, there were records being set, such as 128 degrees. Now that's hot. Other places in the Phoenix area were a little cooler, such as Scottsdale. However much I don't personally like to be extremely hot, it is true that 128 degrees in Arizona is significantly different than 98 degrees in Illinois. In Scottsdale, it would feel like stepping into a giant oven while in Illinois it would feel like stepping into a giant

Smelling good is an art form

Sometimes you run across a person that smells so good, you wonder what fragrance they are wearing. Then you wonder why it is that you can't seem to find that perfect fragrance for yourself. I have definitely had that problem. Some people have found exactly what perfume to wear that makes them smell so unbelievably good, while the rest of us must stand around at the tester counter being sprayed with all kinds of things in hopes of finding that "perfect smell." Everyone has one but it takes some people a lot longer than others to find it. Then of course, there are the people who never find it, because they don't look hard enough or they don't really care what perfume they do or don't wear. I think it is harder to find that perfect perfume if you don't have much left in the budget. Especially in this economy, it is crucial to find the savings for every aspect of life, even your smell. I like to go online and browse for my perfume needs. I don't

The Trouble with Tony

I'm sorry Tony!  I know you would be winning races right and left if I was just able to sit and watch but I can't because of band practice!  Hopefully if we do good at our first shows we will have a Sunday off and then, racing fun will happen!

The big day

Everyone knows that 3 of the most stressful life events are getting a new job, having a baby and moving.  Being familiar with all three of these life-altering events, I would have to say that, by far, the most stressful of the three is definitely moving.  In the days before my daughter came along, I found myself without a stable living environment for quite some time, moving around like a vagabond.  Each time, it was so stressful and hard to deal with on any organized level.  I definitely could have used some professional help in that area. Today I came across a site that has exactly what you need to make "the big day" go much more smoothly. Of course, there are three main ways to move.  One can do-it-yourself move, by hiring a van and doing all the gruntwork on one's own.  For a less involved amount of belongings, this is a good, inexpensive way to relocate.  If, however, moving heavy furniture is not an option, one can always hire a man and van combo.  Of course, this

Things People Said: Restaurants

Things People Said: Restaurants Here's a website I stumbled upon someone who works in a restaurant, I can say from both sides of the table that I have run across most, if not nearly all, of the various conversations on this page. Give it a read, it's pretty funny! Blogged with the Flock Browser

Cell phone review

Here's something I haven't done yet..reviewing a cellphone..So here goes: I recently purchased a CECT P168.  For those of you unfamiliar with that particular type of phone, it's an "i-clone" or a cellphone that looks and feels like an iphone, touch screen and all. I had to say it's a really nice phone, it even has the same wallpaper as an iphone and it's the same size, shape and approximate weight.. As for features, it has a camera, videocamera, mp3 player and other similar features.  It handled my MMS messages with no problem once I entered the correct settings.  AT&T happily obliged with that one.  The texting area for SMS was nice and I had no problem typing in the letters.  Apparently, with a firmware update, the P168 texting keyboard will go full size but I haven't got the equipment to do the firmware upgrade (software upgrade). All in all, I really like this phone.  Unfornately for me, I have a defect which makes it impossible to keep it.  I


About a month or so ago, I decided to try my luck at getting paid for reviewing things.  I am always reviewing something and I thought, finally, I can get paid to do it!  After a google search, I came upon Snapbomb and decided to sign up with them.  One of the features of Snapbomb is that you get paid a certain value for your blog.  For some reason, mine is only set at .01, which of course is not a good thing.  Supposedly this value will go up..I hope that happens very soon. Another feature is that, while you only get paid for reviews that match your blog's specific category, you are always free to submit reviews in other categories.  I assume this is to get more traffic and get traffic in return.  No one in their right mind is going to turn down free traffic, so this is a good deal. So far, I haven't had much experience with Snapbomb but they look to me like an honest, reputable business that I look forward to doing business with in the future.  Blogged with the Flock Brow

A Rare Event indeed

In my wanderings, I realize now what had been missing as I stumble upon this site or blogs!  There are so many family oriented things out there but this is the first time I have heard of a family blog.  What a fun family!   I really enjoyed reading about the various events in the lives of the Hoffmeisters.  They have a nicely laid out blog with a soothing design that calls you in to read more and more about the daily lives of an average family.  This site was fun to read and I wish the Hoffmeisters many more blogs to come. Blogged with the Flock Browser

New Website and New Forum

I just developed a new website called the New Linux User Companion . As the title suggests, it is a companion site to my website: The New Linux On the New Linux User Companion, I have a forum for guests to be able to publish useful information to help newbs.  Check it out, make a post, help a newb! Blogged with the Flock Browser


Rating: ★★★ Category: Books Genre: Horror Author: Jeff Long I am a huge fan of Descent so I couldnt' wait to get this isn't quite as good as the first but I'm hoping there will be a third, as the ending on this is a little ambiguous. Still a great read for fans of Descent.

The "Octo-mom" controversy

Well, lately there has been a huge blowup about a woman (whose name I can't remember at the moment because I don't care enough about her to bother) who kind of looks like Angelina Jolie if she had 14 kids. Here are the facts as I know them: Yeah, she kind of looks like Angelina do several other people, A.J. included. Yes, she just gave birth to a litter (8) of children. Yes, she already has a litter (6) of children at home. Yes, her doctor knowingly implanted all 8 fetuses instead of "reducing" the number before implantation. Yes, she is a single mother. wow. Okay so my opinion?  First of all, the people making death threats against this woman are even more crazy than she is for having not one but two litters of children. Second, my tax dollars go to help  her feed her two litters of children, which sucks ass. Third, she should be sterilized. (Duh?) Fourth, her doctor should be in jail. Fifth, CPS should intervene.  Why?  (Bleeding hearts will say, she can d


Have you ever looked at some random object and said to yourself, "Hey, what would that look like after you microwave it?" For me, the question is yes..ask an old friend of mine if you wish-- we did a few experiments on bowls of old and moldy food just for shits n giggles.  And no, this is no segue.  I do look at many things all the time and wonder what would happen if I microwaved it. Wonder no more------- Blogged with the Flock Browser

Tony gets back to it

Tony Stewart is back!!!  Chevy agrees with him as he finishes 3rd in the Budweiser Shootout and 8th in the Daytona 500, where he also led laps!  So for all you haters who said Tony wouldn't drive well as an owner, eat some humble pie and love it!!!  *cackles madly* Blogged with the Flock Browser

Tony takes a top ten!!

The magical, wonderful first full event of each NASCAR season went off with a bang, thump, thud, parts flying, gotta love it start. Tony Stewart comes in 8th, that's right a top ten finish so all the haters out there who said he wouldn't drive well as an owner can now collectively shut their yaps!!!

Lovin the new laptop!

My exboyfriend, Billy gave me a laptop that is brand new.  Basically what happened is he bought this laptop and got froggy and decided to install Linux.  Right there, that voided the warranty so he couldn't take it back...Later, he decided to get a better laptop..and voila, I have a new laptop!!!  I am loving this thing so much!  Loads of memory..and if I want, I can take it places lol...Seriously, this is the best present I have ever gotten, so thanks and kudos to Billy. Blogged with the Flock Browser


Rating: ★★★★ Category: Books Genre: Other Author: Sherrilyn Kenyon This book is a long awaited one for Dark-Hunter fans features the story of the leader of the Dark-Hunters, Acheron..who is really a god and not a dark hunter; he is blackmailed by Artemis at every turn and suffers endless torments on behalf of the immortal dark-hunters he is responsible for. At last his story is told. Different than the more light-hearted books in the series, this book gets quite a bit darker as the horrifying truth of Ash's history unfolds. A great read, the latter half returns to the usual Dark-Hunter fare but the first half of the book, entailing Ash's life, is what makes this book by far the best of the Dark-Hunter offerings.

Tony's big year

Okay, so the 2009 season of NASCAR racing is about to get underway..the time of year when the smell of burning rubber drifts lazily through the air..the time of year to hear my favorite non-word, repeated 2 times just in case I didn't hear it the first... Tony is gearing up for his biggest race year ever...and have I ever been hearing about it!!  Examples? 1.  Wow, Tony is an owner this year, that's a lot of pressure...well, perhaps and perhaps not..This is Tony's first time owning a NASCAR team but Tony is not a stranger to owning race car teams by any means.  World of Outlaws? hellew! 2.  Tony is too out of shape to drive have you seen Tony lately?  He's dropped a good 20 pounds at least and is looking as fine as ever.. 3.  Yeah but do you even know the last time an owner/driver won a race? yes, do you?  1998, Ricky Rudd at Martinsville..geez..have some's Tony Stewart we're talking about ......he'll get it done..he just nee

Windows 7

My my what short memories the sheeple have... It seems like just yesterday so many people were excited by Windows Vista..only to sadly realize that they spent hundreds of dollars to run bug infested, useless crap. So, now Windows 7 will soon be here..(well that was quite soon on the heels of Vista, now wasn't it?) And once again, I hear many many herds thundering to their collective hooves, shouting once more the battle cry of Bill Gates, "Knowledge can only be mine!" Let me say that so far, I remain so very unimpressed.  Windows 7 can have all the bells, quirks, whistles, toots, tweaks and whatnot but the sad fact remains that no matter what kind of RAM-sucking programs will come with this latest version of Windblows, it can be assured that there will be at least 30 viruses that are out to kill it within 3 days of release.  *Random thought- I wonder if they are *Nix users ha!* Then to top off the 'let's spend all your money' trap, you will have to either get

Adding Speed Dial Boxes in Opera

I have to say first and foremost that I am hopelessly in love with my Opera web browser.  I have been ever since the day when my old Firefox 1.x crashed and wouldn't run or reinstall...ah the fond memories of running Windows OS..if only I had known *sigh* At any rate, I had to replace my comatose Firefox with something because the only other option was Internet Explorer (yeah, right!) That started it all..the love affair I have had with Opera has continued now for what 3 or 4 years now?  I'm now a much smarter Linux user now and I don't even have a regular email client...I just use Opera Mail and we suit quite well...I never had much use for the Speed Dial Feature though..until now.  Recently I have been acquiring a couple of domains and the hosts that inevitably come with as well as blog advertising opportunities I have been trying out for a little bit of money.. This has been quite a drain on my already far-gone memory, so I recently started using and then relying on my S

Editing gets a boost

It's funny how, in the current state of the ailing American economy, there can still be found the occasional example of how to succeed in uncertain times. Papercheck is a company that is all about the editing. While many more people are staying at home while doing their writings, these same people are unwilling to outsource documents to other countries...which is where Papercheck comes in. The home page of Papercheck is very explicit and easy to understand, describing the services they provide: editing, proofreading and also following academic requirements for writing by following all the major styles of academic writing. In addition, the fees are clearly listed and document requirements as well. Documents are mostly in Microsoft formats but this can also include OpenOffice documents that are compatible with Microsoft. Another great feature on Papercheck is that they are a BBB Online Reliable Site and they have now added Verisign to their arsenal. The use of Verign as a more

Resolved Issue with FeedBurner Headline Animator not coughing up the code

For any newb that has just gotten FeedBurner..I will be doing a review on it later..but first.. I read a post or two (that was never resolved) about how a couple of users were using the headline animator (an awesome feature) to create feed widgets.  The problem was that while trying to get the code, the next button wasn' t working, thus not directing the user to the page where the code can be gotten... If you are having this problem..I found a fix/workaround whatever.. Yes, it's irritating..but it works..on the page/tab called Publicize, click on the size animator you were working on...when it shows up..look at the part that says add to...and then there is a dropdown personal choice is always "just gimme the code".......look up to the page url.. It will look something like this: numbers here Still with me?  Easier than I write it I swear! Cursor over to the spot right after the "r" in

Bitter Pill Swallowed

Oh..hmm..that last post might have sounded like I've been pouring powdered aspirin down my perhaps I should clarify a bit. I was really pissed when I wrote don't pay it any attention.. Seriously..stop looking at it! Blogged with the Flock Browser

Don't let them fool you!

Ladies, I am here to warn you..if you are aesthetically challenged (a.k.a. not pretty) beware of all men. They have no problem whatsoever in using you for whatever they can get. Of course, we see all the time how a pretty girl on television will get a man to do most anything for her in various social experiments. It is sad that people are judged not by their merits but by their looks but hey, such is life. If you are not a pretty girl either, of course you already know this is true. However, from time to time you will be tempted by some guy into believing that he will love you even though you are less than facially glorious. This is the time to beware the most!! Don't lose yourself to someone who acts like he cares because it's most likely he is simply out to use you for whatever he can get. Even if he is one of the 1% of the male population who is not out to use you, be sure he will not treat you the same as he would a pretty girl. Don't believe me? Talk to the ex

Long overdue

A while back, I had a delightful dining experience, which is hard to get in this miserable town. I meant to write a review quite some time ago; however, the stresses of searching for a good host for my website, finding one, transferring my website (page at a time), finding out that said host is junk, having to look for a new one, then having to rewrite my website because of my own short-sightedness etc. you get the here is the long overdue review of my experience at the "Java Hut" The Java Hut is a coffee shop in my town that is near to the courthouse which I had business at that particular day. Since I was wearing a nice skirt and whatnot, of course, it decided to start pouring rain. As I was cold and wet, I ducked into this place thinking "please have hot chocolate." I had never been in this place (coffee=barf) so I asked the patron what he recommended..I swear he spent 10 minutes telling me about various things and giving recommendations and being ju

Repost of "Rules for sending me messages"

I originally posted these under "rules for sending me messages" because I kept getting flooded with friend requests from jerks who could care less who you really are, only your relationship status..geez no wonder they are alone! Anyhoo, I thought they might entertain someone, so here they are: 1. Do not under any circumstances call me a "great beauty." All that does is insult my intelligence and expose you as a liar. 2. Do not write me poetry. I hate sappy bullshit. Unless it's funny, dark or twisted, I don't want to read it. I hated Shakespeare in school and I don't want to read it now. 3. I don't like to go on long walks on the beach, hold hands while strolling down the lane or any other stupid vomit. Telling me that stupid shit will get you blocked. 4. Why would you bother messaging me if you are a christian? If you are thinking about harrassing me about being an atheist or thinking you can "score one for Jesus©" then you are so very se


The Castle Personality Test You are scared of new experiences. It's hard for you to break outside of your comfort zone. You like to think that people see you as dramatic and fascinating. You do your best to seem mysterious. You are a very romantic person. You can't help but see the world as it should be. Right now, you feel very trapped in your life. You often feel like there is no way out of your rut. Overall, your life is calm and steady. Not much stirs you, and each day is full of joy. You aren't optimistic about the future. You worry about what will happen to the world and if we'll be able to clean up the messes we've made. What Your City Walk Means You are optimistic and hopeful. Sometimes you do get disappointed by expecting too much. You are quite introverted and maybe even a little shy. You prefer to interact one on one with people. Money is not important to you at all. In fact, you tend to reject material concerns. You are curious about ideas. If you had t

A good day--June 08

I just wanted to get on here and brag about how I was doing my business as usual, posting a new review on Linux Mint 5 Elyssa on my WordPress page, when I got a comment from Clem!!!  Clement Lefebvre is the founder of Linux Mint so I was completely honored and humbled.  How he found my review is anyone's guess but he even took note of a couple of concerns I raised..he even just added Opera 9.5 to the repo!! This is a good day! Blogged with the Flock Browser

Famous on Linux Mint --October 08

I thought the coolest thing ever was having Clem comment on my review...Wrong!!  The coolest thing ever is Clem writing a review...of my review!!!!   Check it out!!  (I'm bragging all over the place lol)   Click here to see me made famous ! Blogged with the Flock Browser

Bad Host! --November 08

For the past couple of times I have logged into my account with CEDhost, the host of my website, Opera claims it's a fraudulent site...geez I hope took a lot to find that host to begin with! Ugh! Blogged with the Flock Browser

New webhost- October 08

Found a new, non Flash element webhost, CedHost, which I like pretty's all html, no Flash elements to freeze up or insult my intelligence..I mean seriously, if you know nothing whatsoever about html, should you be trying to create a website?   Anyhoooo, the website is now looking better with my layout, not a cheap, bloggy looking one forced upon me.  So check it out :) Blogged with the Flock Browser

Absentee Mee-July 08

 I haven't been on here as much for quite a while because I was working on designing a new website...what an HTML nightmare..I seriously suck at web I had a ton of content to revise and put up but it finally has paid off at least inside my own head!   Check out my labor of lunacy at:  The New Linux User   Suggestions always welcome and I will credit anyone who wants to submit any useful content on my page.... Blogged with the Flock Browser